Hello, great blog, I noticed you had Underworld listed as one of your music favorites which leads me to believe that you like electronica which also leads me to think we have similar musical tastes. If you do, please read my latest post (in fact, read the last few to understand what my blog is about). I'm trying to get this music thing going grassroots style.
Sabes que te quiero mucho, pero tienes unos gustos musicales un tanto... peculiares. Pero ya sabes que a mi, si no es una desquiciada chillando no me gusta... Muakcs
7 comentarios:
Mola el video. No conocía, como es usual, estas músicas oscuras que escuchas.
Hello, great blog, I noticed you had Underworld listed as one of your music favorites which leads me to believe that you like electronica which also leads me to think we have similar musical tastes. If you do, please read my latest post (in fact, read the last few to understand what my blog is about). I'm trying to get this music thing going grassroots style.
Me ha gustado bastante el vídeo. No conocía ese grupo pero lo escucharé a fondo.
Sabes que te quiero mucho, pero tienes unos gustos musicales un tanto... peculiares. Pero ya sabes que a mi, si no es una desquiciada chillando no me gusta...
el vídeo me parece fantástico, la música ya... es otro cantar, para un ratito lo soportaría bastante bien, mucho rato acabaría algo desquiciada.
Creo q comentando porno ganarías más puntos....
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